Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Outdoor workout

1)Warm up
Jumping Jacks-30x
High Knees-20seconds
Jumps back and forth (quick short jumps, imagine a line you are jumping over and back) 20 seconds
Square Jumps (jump forward, then left, back, then right, making a square)
20 seconds,
Squat Jumps-10 reps
Repeat for 3x total
2)Gassers superset with pushups
50 yards and back is 1. Do 3.
50 pushups
Repeat for 4x
3)Shouflle gasser superset with curls ( dummbbells, pullups)
Shouffle 20 yards and back is 1. Do 3
Curls 20x if pull ups 8-10