Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Chest and Biceps
1) Run for 10 minutes as fast as possible
2) DB Bench super set with pullups
4x to failure on both. Minimum of 15 reps on bench on each set. For pullups do 3 negatives when you get to failure (slow 5 count on weigh down)
3) DB Flys, Super set with pushups
DB flys 3x15, Pushups 3x to failure
4) 21 Count Curls.
Use curl bar. Curl up to halfway point of a full curl. 7 reps. Then 7 curls starting from top and going down half ways. Then 7 full curls.
3 Sets
5) Sit ups
Vups 20x
Russian twists 30
Lay flat with both legs off the grounds and pull right knee to left elbow. (Squeeze tight and concentrate on your lower abs. Alternate between legs. 15 reps each leg
Repeat Abs circuit 3x