Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thursday Workout

Chest and Biceps
1)25 minutes on stair master. (fast pace, push yourself!)
2)Alternating DB bench press
Start with both arms extended and bring down right arm slowly then press up, then repeat with left arm. (arm not lifting should always be up)
Superset with pullups
4 sets. 8-12 reps each exercise
3)Flys superset with pushups
3x10 on flys and pushups to failure.
4)3 set biceps routine
1)Straight one arm curl, alternating arm. 10 reps. 2) Superset with incline biceps. Lay on incline bench. Arms extended out at 45 degree angle (elbow should be by rib cage, 10 reps. 3) hammer curl alternating arms (start with both arms to sides, curl up right arm, then back down slowly. Repeat with Right arm, do this while still on incline bench). Go to failure!!
That's 3 exercises which is one set. 3 sets total!!!